During summer our children can spend their holiday in old wooden manor house at Riguldi. What do your students play at lunch time? Our lunch break is only 20 minutes and during that time they manage only to eat at our canteen. ...
Restoration, in-line with valid rules and regulations for national monuments, of the roof of Riguldi (Swedish: Rickul; German: Rickholtz) Manor in Noarootsi municipality which is covered with - now widely damaged - Rhenanian slate (the ...
Rooslepa kalmistul asub m?isnik Taube perekonna matusepaik ning eestirootslasest luuletaja Mats Ekmani (1865?1934) ja II maailmas?jas hukkunud Riguldi elanike mälestuskivi, rannajoonel on suur l?hestunud kivi ja 18-haruline pihlakas. ...